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NIDE Meeting Minutes
Synchronous Communication Group
September 8, 1999Present: Deborah Fels, Bertha Acevedo, Carolynn Whiteley, Luo Dongchuan, Laurel Williams, Chris Ridpath
The meeting was held at the Center For Learning Technologies and started at 9 a.m.
- Laurel Williams will be starting work on the project as a Java programmer.
- Deb informed us that 2 students would also be working on the project and each one will work about 10 hours per week.
- Luo informed us that the NT server was setup at the Robarts library and he has installed JDK, Java webserver and other development software.
- The design of the database structure has not been started yet but will Deb and Luo will start on it very shortly.
- We are currently using a demo version of the Java webserver and have only a one month trial period. The cost for purchasing the product is about $300 and we will purchase it later if required for the project.
- The Microsoft webserver installed on the NT server machine does not support the Java servelet API so we may have to purchase the Java webserver software.
- Bertha gave a demo of the Java based client software. The program can display the communication grouped by student or topic. The group discussed the demo software and made several suggestions regarding the layout of the screen and the use of color.
- The program is currently a Java applet but will be converted to a Java application in the future.
- Carolynn told us that she has received 11 completed surveys. The initial review of the surveys suggest that the initial design of the software was correct and the current program will address some of the concerns expressed by the survey respondents. We may receive one or two more survey responses but we are now ending the data collection and moving on to the analysis.
- Next meeting scheduled for September 22, 9:00 a.m. at the same location.
The Adaptive Technology Resource Centre
J.P. Robarts Library, First Floor, University of Toronto Information Commons
130 St. George St. Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3H1
Telephone: (416) 978-4360 Fax: (416) 971-2629For additional information please e-mail Laurie Harrison