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MathML Accessibility Project
IntroductionDisplaying mathematics on the web is a notoriously difficult problem; The existing solutions, notably the use of GIF images for the presentation of mathematical notation, prove problematic in general, and particularly so for viewers with disabilities. The recent W3C proposal for an XML mathematics language, MathML, promises to quickly become the Internet standard for mathematical documents.
This component of the NIDE project proposes to approach MathML at this early stage, when standards and conventions for implementation are being developed. Considering both issues of authoring and presentation, the goals of the MathML project are to find or create methodologies for alternative display of MathML content, and methods of notation generation accessible to those with visual disabilities. The hope is that these tools may be included in MathML authoring tools and user agents as they become available.
Motivation: Motivation is summarized in this paper, presented at CSUN 2001. Note: the MAB is no longer the ATRC's NIDE Plan. Please see section below for current direction.
Current Direction: The current direction of the presentation component of the NIDE MathML Project is summarized in this document.
Audio Formatting Proposal (for discussion only)
Authoring Evaluation
Related WorkThe following people or organizations are involved in work similar to the goals of this prject:
Related LinksPresentation:
- ASTER & EmacsSpeak - This work, undertaken by T.V. Raman is a tremendous success in the presentation of mathematics for the visualy disabled. The NIDE MathML project hopes to emulate his rules for user defined context, and for communication of nonlinear notation using audio formatting.
- Scientific Notebook to Nemeth Code Converter - This software, developed by MAVIS, converts TeX mathematical or scientific documents to Nemeth Braille code. Future MathML support is being developed.
Authoring:- EzMath - EzMath, undertaken by the W3C's Dave Raggett, is an authoring tool and plugin, in the developmental stage. Future plans include extention to MathML
The following are links to descriptions and specifications for technologies mentioned above.
Contact Information
- MathML Specifications - The W3C's specifications for the MathML language.
- Mozilla Project - Information and resources for Netscape's Mozilla Project.
- XSLT Specifications - The W3C's specifications for XSLT. This is targeted as the method of transforming MathML into alternative formats.
- WAI Accessibility - The W3C's accessibility recommendations for HTML code.
- Java Speech API - Sun Microsystems' open source speech specifications.
- IBM Alphaworks Speech for Java - An implimentation of the JSAPI.
- Apache Software Foundation - Producers of open source tools for XML and XSLT.
- WAI Accessibility - The W3C's accessibility recommendations for HTML code.
- Taras Kowaliw - Concept Communication Architect, Adaptive Technology Resource Centre
The Adaptive Technology Resource Centre
J.P. Robarts Library, First Floor, University of Toronto Information Commons
130 St. George St. Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3H1
Telephone: (416) 978-4360 Fax: (416) 971-2629For additional information please e-mail Laurie Harrison