CSS Generator |
Physics Lab Haptic Pendulum Project | A-Prompt | Music Notation |
Interactive Learning Tools | MathML Project |
MathML Accessibility Project
Audio Formatting RulesNote: This is not the result of a MathML to JSML translation; All examples were coded in JSML manually. Also, this is not a presentation of user context selection - the expressions are derived making no further assumptions about the explicit MathML code.
These expressions were first created using TeX (Scientific Notebook 3.5), then converted to MathML using TtM.
Contact Information
- Subscripts and superscripts:
<msup> m </msup>
sup <PROS PITCH="+30%"> * </PROS>
<msub> * </msub>
sub <PROS PITCH="-30%"> * </PROS>
<power/> *1 *2
*1 raised <PROS PITCH="+30%"> *2 </PROS>
<exp/> *
raised <PROS PITCH="+30%"> * </PROS>
- MathML Code - TeX - JSML Audio -
- MathML Code - TeX - JSML Audio -- Fractions:
<mfrac> *1 *2 </mfrac>
<apply><divide/> *1 *2 </apply>
the fraction
numerator <PROS PITCH="+10%" RATE="+30%"> *1 </PROS>
denomenator <PROS PITCH="+10%" RATE="+30%"> *2 </PROS>
- MathML Code - TeX - JSML Audio -- Matrices:
<matrixrow> *11�... *1n </matrixrow>
<matrixrow> *m1 ... *mn </matrixrow>
the matrix <BREAK SIZE="medium"/>
row <PROS RATE="+20%" PITCH="+10%"> *11 <BREAK SIZE="medium"/> ... <PROS RATE="+20%" PITCH="+10%"> *1n </PROS> ... </PROS><BREAK SIZE="medium"/>
row <PROS RATE="+20%" PITCH="+10%"> *m1 <BREAK SIZE="medium"/> ... <PROS RATE="+20%" PITCH="+10%"> *mn </PROS> ... </PROS><BREAK SIZE="medium"/>
- MathML Code - TeX - JSML Audio -- Compound Expressions:
<apply> <FOO/> * </apply>
FOO of <PROS PITCH="-10%" RATE="-30%"> *</PROS>
<mo>(</mo> * <mo>)</mo>
<PROS PITCH="-10%" RATE="-30%"> * </PROS>
- MathML Code - TeX - JSML Audio -
- MathML Code - TeX - JSML Audio -
- Taras Kowaliw - Concept Communication Architect, Adaptive Technology Resource Centre
The Adaptive Technology Resource Centre
J.P. Robarts Library, First Floor, University of Toronto Information Commons
130 St. George St. Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3H1
Telephone: (416) 978-4360 Fax: (416) 971-2629For additional information please e-mail Laurie Harrison