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Physics Lab Haptic Pendulum Project A-Prompt Music Notation
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Java3D Haptics meeting 27 Oct 99

Present: DB, CR


Investigation, development, and testing has concluded:

  1. There is a problem when the time delta between updates in the physical model is reduced too low. The Java3D visual update appears to hog CPU cycles.
  2. The java wrapper "JHapi" (or "JNHapi"), has not been extended to include the Direct Input stuff yet.
  3. ALAF - Joseph popped over to my office and we spent about a day and a half integrating the Audio Swing Pluggable Look and Feel into the Swing based pendulum application. We succeeded. A side-effect of this endeavor was that it helped identify the source of the problem discussed in '1.' above.


architectural diagram of physical model interacting with visual and haptic components.

  1. To solve the CPU hogging I will first attempt the follwing solution: I will increase the number of times per second the physical model (PM) is updated (this is required for a smooth haptic effect), and balance this by decreasing the number of times per PM update the visual model is updated. Refer to MOMMI for illustration.
  2. My preferrence is to have the release version of the DirectX v.70 before proceeding with extending the JNHapi class.

Additional Notes:

Our next meeting is 10 Nov 99 at 10:15am.

Morale is high and things are progressing well.

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The Adaptive Technology Resource Centre

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130 St. George St. Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3H1
Telephone: (416) 978-4360 Fax: (416) 971-2629

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